Your business is running as fast it can, fueled by data in every part of your operations.

Are you prepared to keep running without
missing a step in the event of a ransomware
attack or a disaster?

Cloud security is a shared responsibility model

AWS provides durability and infrastructure security, but does not provide logical air gaps or ensure that your data is protected and compliant. You are solely responsible for ensuring that your data protection solution meets all modern challenges.

Standard backups are stored in the same account as primary data

Backing up your data to your account is like keeping your spare key on your main keychain. If a bad actor gets access to the account, they can compromise the data as well as the backup to prevent a recovery from such an attack.

When data is ransomed or compromised, rapid recovery is critical to maintain business continuity.

 So how do you get backup and running without missing a step?


Air-gapped, Immutable Backup Keeps Your Business Running

Clumio is a secure backup as a service that simplifies and enhances data protection in AWS. Get turnkey protection against ransomware, fast restores for business continuity, and cost-effective long term retention to meet compliance needs.

Get Low RTO and Business Continuity

Rapid, granular, and flexible restore capabilities – from instances to objects to specific files – enable you to reduce recovery times from hours to minutes. Global search across files, folders, tables, or records helps you quickly find the data you need to restore and meet compliance requirements. The ability to restore data to any account or region provides added flexibility to recover quickly.

Get Visibility Into AWS Costs – and Eliminate Waste

Satellite and detail views across accounts and regions help identify orphaned snapshots and snapshots stored outside of retention requirements. This enables you to detect any gaps in your data protection plans. Monthly spend reports provide comparison analyses and proactively identify cost reduction opportunities. With Clumio, you can reduce TCO by up to 50% for long-term data retention

Get Secure Ransomware Protection

Clumio backups are stored outside of your security sphere in an isolated service. Backups are immutable and cannot be deleted. This ensures hackers or bad-actors cannot compromise the backup copies. All data is encrypted in-flight and at-rest with the option to encrypt using your own key.

Get Audit-ready Compliance

Automated reporting per asset, for every asset, simplifies compliance and eliminates the need to write, run, and maintain custom scripts. A real-time dashboard makes it easy to monitor which assets are in compliance and which need attention. Compliance reports, calendar views, and powerful search enable you to prove compliance in minutes without guesswork, freeing up valuable IT time.

“Our biometrics group asked me to restore a couple of critical data sets, each one was about 100 gigs. I was able to do it in less than 10 minutes for each one. I would never have been able to do it that fast before Clumio.”

Mike Maier, Lead Technical Support | McMaster University

Get your Backup and Running Kit

Schedule and complete a qualified demo with a Clumio sales team to receive a Get Backup and Running Kit. Qualification to be verified by sales team. Must be a US resident with a valid business email and phone number to be eligible.

Get your Backup
and Running Kit

Schedule and complete a qualified demo with a Clumio sales team to receive a Get Backup and Running Kit. Qualification to be verified by sales team. Must be a US resident with a valid business email and phone number to be eligible.