What did we do for this client?
User Interface | User Experience | Development | Illustration | Programming
What did we do for this client?
User Interface | User Experience | Development | Illustration | Programming
It’s no secret that Wellness is a hot topic in health and medical circles. Preventive medicine can improve lives, and do so at reduced costs. Connecting HCPs early with patient lifestyle information can add beneficial insights, but some patients resist.
Results can be saved and emailed or printed for review with doctor.
We asked ourselves how we could improve the process in a way that would reduce patient resistance and facilitate the delivery process. If doctors could receive patient information ahead of the appointment, it could reduce times and enable them to provide more accurate care.
Our research revealed that users found the existing HRA difficult to understand or to endure. Our solution? Create a more approachable and enjoyable experience.
We redesigned the format to be larger, easier to access and added color cues. We broke down the questionnaire into intuitive groupings and added a brand voice to help users feel comfortable.
With an easy to use interface, the UX made users more eager to continue, and better oriented in the experience.