What did we do for this client?
Concept | User Interface | Interactive Design | Development | Scripting | Music | Voice-Over | Sound-Effects | Graphics | Animation
What did we do for this client?
Concept | User Interface | Interactive Design | Development | Scripting | Music | Voice-Over | Sound-Effects | Graphics | Animation
Let’s face it. Reading corporate health benefits updates is no one’s idea of a good time.
That means that too many employees just skip reading it all together, so Dell thought a digital explainer could resolve the problem.
This seemed like a good avenue to us as well, however, dull reading is dull reading whether on paper or on screen. So we proposed something we felt would draw readers in, helping them to engage with important information.
We came up with the idea of a kitschy game show theme, complete with a comical MC voice over, lounge music, applause and sound effects. The concept was to earn points by choosing the correct answers.
We help solve communications challenges for brand communications, and we’re not afraid to use enjoyment to do it! For this fun project, our team developed and produced all features except the stock sound effects, music. We found a perfect voice artist to be our show host and the final product was exactly what we hoped for.